What is a Guardian Home?
A guardian home is a home who agrees to raise one of our future breeding dogs. This allows us to maintain breeding rights to breed the puppy once at breeding age. You are responsible for typical costs of raising and routine care of the dog and I am responsible for all breeding expenses (health testing, stud fee, anything breeder feels is needed, etc) the dog comes back to the breeder to breed for a short time and again a week before due date until her litter is weaned around 6-8 weeks. The cost involved varies to be a guardian but typically half price with a refundable deposit after each litter. The bonus to this is that you are getting the breeders top pick from the litter at a fraction of the cost. Contact me if you are interested with questions. Please be aware this program is not for everyone! It is very difficult to be without the love of the Golden Retriever in your home for 6-8 weeks once a year!